janka102's Solution


First solution in assembly. Linux only, sorry Windows users. It’s not perfect, and I cheat a little bit by not formatting the output, but it works well enough.

To compile and run, use the following:

gcc day01.s -no-pie -o day01 && ./day01 | od -t u1

Note: Make sure you have the letters input named “input.txt” in the current directory.

.global main
	# open file
	movl  $5, %eax
	movl  $path, %ebx
	movl  $0, %ecx
	int   $0x80

	# read entire file
	movl  %eax, %ebx
	movl  $3, %eax
	movl  $buff, %ecx
	movl  $16384, %edx
	int   $0x80
	movl  %eax, len
	movl  $0, pos

	call  atoi

	# check if less than 0, meaning end of file
	cmp   $0, %eax
	jl    end_loop

	# increment the value at the country code position in the array
	movl  country_counts(, %eax, 1), %ebx
	inc   %ebx
	movl  %ebx, country_counts(, %eax, 1)
	jmp   main_loop

	# write
	movl  $4, %eax
	movl  $1, %ebx
	leal  country_counts(, %ebx, 1), %ecx
	movl  $196, %edx
	int   $0x80

	# exit
	movl  $1, %eax
	movl  $0, %ebx
	int   $0x80

# not really a good general purpose atoi, but it works here
.global atoi
	movl  $0, %eax # eax will be the resulting integer

	# check if at end of string
	movl  len, %ebx
	movl  pos, %ecx
	cmpl  %ebx, %ecx
	jge   atoi_end_pre

	# read a char from the buffer and increment the read position
	movl  $0, %ebx
	mov   buff(, %ecx, 1), %bl
	inc   %ecx
	movl  %ecx, pos

	# check if at a space
	cmp   $0x30, %bl
	jl    atoi_end

	# actual conversion here.
	# multiply previous result by 10 and add current
	sub   $0x30, %bl
	movl  $10, %ecx
	mul   %ecx
	addl  %ebx, %eax
	jmp   atoi_loop

	movl $-1, %eax

.lcomm buff, 16384 # buffer for reading the file
.lcomm country_counts, 200 # array for accumulating the letter counts, 1 byte per country
.lcomm len, 4 # total length of the file
.lcomm pos, 4 # current position in the file

	.string "./input.txt"


First time using Gleam. I think there’s room for improvement in my solution, but it’s a start. I also see the similarity to elixir, but it’s cool they have compile-to-js.

I didn’t get file reading working at this time, so just copy/paste the contents of the file into the string.

import gleam/io
import gleam/string
import gleam/dict
import gleam/list
import gleam/option.{Some, None}
import gleam/result
import gleam/pair
import gleam/int

pub fn main() {
  // Copy/paste the contents of the file into the string here
  let letters = "..."
  let increment = fn(x) {
    case x {
      Some(i) -> i + 1
      None -> 1

  string.split(letters, on: " ")
  |> list.map(fn(code) { result.unwrap(int.parse(code), or: -1) })
  |> list.fold(dict.new(), fn(acc, code) { dict.upsert(acc, code, increment) })
  |> dict.to_list()
  |> list.sort(by: fn(e1, e2) { int.compare(pair.first(e1), pair.first(e2)) })
  |> list.map(fn(e) { int.to_string(pair.first(e)) <> ": " <> int.to_string(pair.second(e)) })
  |> string.join(with: "\n")
  |> io.print()

One question I had while writing it: Why do I need to import Some and None? Loose experimenting shows I don’t need to do that with Ok and Error.

Day 1: That's a Lot of Letters

Do you have any idea how many letters Santa gets each year before Christmas? Millions of people around the world send letters to Santa every year letting him know what they would like for Christmas. However, the logistics of not only reading those letters, but estimating labor, ordering materials, storing products, and loading up presents at the appropriate time in an efficient order requires a lot of planning.

Problem: In order to prepare for this Christmas season, some of the head elves would like a report on how many letters are coming from each country. The elves physically receiving the letters have been inputting the country code of the letter into a file named letters.txt. You need to read this file, and then report how many letters have been sent from each country.

Challenge: A letters_challenge.txt has also been included if you’d like some extra credit. There is a lot more data in this file, so it may need to be handled a bit differently so as not to overload your memory. (Note: github has limitations on file size. Feel free to use the python script to make a larger file).


1 2 34 53 1 53 6


1: 2
2: 1
6: 1
34: 1
53: 2